However the 32 bit version goes through a windows emulation layer that enables the 32 bit. If it was large memory aware, it could access up to 4GB on a 64 bit box with sufficient memory.įor what I do, the 32 and 64 bit versions performed identically. My last 32 bit VLC from much earlier in the year was not Large Memory Aware, so it is capped at 2GB. reloc was still being stripped.įrom a memory standpoint, a 64 bit VLC can access more memory.
reloc earlier and pointed to a possible solution. reloc information and hence ASLR won't work¹, even though the linker is set to dynamic base. There would be a security difference if VLC enabled ASLR in their builds, but when they compile they strip. I don't see a lot of difference between the 32 bit and 64 bit.